Bilingual Physics Teacher (Chinese)

Job Description
Overall Responsibilities
• Promote high standards in all aspects of school life,
particularly in student progress
• Actively support the values, vision, ethos, culture and
policies of the school
• Inspire and motivate students, teachers and other school
• Comply with the professional duties of the Harrow staff
Code of Conduct
• Contribute to a school culture which is positive,
purposeful and professional
• Engage positively in the school Appraisal process and
performance management arrangements
• Are committed to safeguarding and to promoting the welfare
of children and young people
• Are committed to fully engaging in the bilingual context of
the school; through lessons, cultural events, boarding, and general
collegiality Teaching, Learning and Assessment
• Lead the Mathematics Department in all areas of business
including, but not limited to, curriculum planning, assessment, QA, staff
development, exam entries, student data tracking and interventions.
• Be an outstanding role model, setting high personal
expectations of the teaching of Mathematics, curriculum planning,
professionalism, professional development, and administration
• Promote a positive ethos ensuring that all students are
stretched and challenged, enjoy and value academic subjects
• Attend and participate in Mathematics network meetings with
other professionals to enhance curriculum practice
• Write curriculum information for parents and school or
marketing documents that are required
• Promote student independence, leadership and voice within
the curriculum
• Ensure that all internal examinations are set, conducted
and marked in a manner consistent with external examination expectations
• Develop agreed schemes of learning, understand the
requirements of examination syllabi, and meet assessment deadlines
• Promote planning and practice focusing on learning for
achievement where active learning strategies engage and motivate students
• Ensure that AfL strategies are used effectively to support
the progress of learners and to review provision
• Monitor student progress (including use of data) and action
subject-appropriate interventions
• Promote cross-curricular dimensions and the development of
cross-curricular functional skills: literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy
• Monitor and check department reports are completed in a
high standard • Conduct moderation meeting
• Ensure high quality marking feedback
Tutors are best placed to ensure that students receive an
excellent standard of care, guidance and support during their time at Harrow
Zhuhai. In conjunction with the practices and responsibilities laid out in the
academic professional staff handbook, it is everyone’s responsibility including
the head of department to be approachable, engaged and informed with regards to
their students, while tutors should be the first point of contact for both
their tutees and parents and, as such, will facilitate the support or guidance
for the tutees using up-to-date tracking and monitoring data. It is your
responsibility to make sure the data is available and then you follow up
student of concern for your department.
• Monitor the work of class/form students, providing
guidance, advice and admonishment.
• Write and maintain relevant records for individual student
files and write reports.
• Lead Personal Development (PD) tutorial sessions.
• Communicate and
consult with parents.
• Participate in, and document, meetings for any of the
purposes above.
• Participate in the maintaining of high standards of
behaviour and uniform of students in the classroom and in all school locations
and activities.
• Follow Harrow Zhuhai policies with regard to the health and
safety of students both on and off the school premises when students are under
the school’s jurisdiction.
• Take a pastoral interest in students in curriculum and
Enrichment Activities and around the school environs so that they feel noticed,
valued and cared for.
• Carry out supervision duties as required to ensure safety
and development of both Day and Boarding students
• Attend meetings designed to share information necessary for
the smooth running of the school and the successful delivery of its programmes.
• Take responsibility for mentoring new teachers,
particularly those with whom a functional relationship exists.
• Supervise students during non-period time as determined by
the duty rota.
• Supervise classes on behalf of colleagues as determined by
the cover schedule.
• Behave at all times
in a manner befitting a role model for the students of the school and in a
manner that brings only respect to colleagues and the reputation of Harrow
• Effectively align the subject to the school vision and
• Promote an ethos of teaching in the subject matching Harrow
expectations and aligned to the teaching standards document
• Support the Cover Supervisor with arrangements for classes
when staff are absent
• Analyse, evaluate and respond to student performance and
contextual data in the subject
• Contribute to Department meetings effectively with relevant
agenda items and supporting development
• Ensure effective communication/consultation with parents
and carers including information about supporting their child at home
• Liaise with
Examination Boards, Awarding Bodies, and other relevant external bodies
• Communicate subject
specific information (where appropriate) across the school e.g. calendared
• Undertake other reasonable duties as requested by members
of the Senior Leadership Team and any duties that the Head Master / HoUS deems
necessary for the effective operation of the school Safeguarding
• Take seriously the responsibility to safeguard and promote
the welfare of students, and to work together with others to ensure adequate
arrangements within the Boarding House help to identify, assess, and support
students who are suffering harm
• Ensuring that the School’s safeguarding policies on child
protection and health and safety are implemented effectively
- Salary: ¥14k-25k/Month before tax
- Free Apartment/Paid Winter and Summer Holidays Christmas
- Discounts for children attending Harrow
- Annual Wage Supplement