Guidance Counselor in High School

About The School
SABS is a private boarding school serving students from kindergarten/ Preschool to Grade 12. Learn more about this schoolJob Description
East China Normal University Affiliated Bilingual School (ECNUAS) is a private boarding school with an international focused pedagogy and curriculum. ECNUAS is currently looking for new staff for 2018/2019 semester.
Guidance Counselor role is to
· To assists students to appraise their interests, aptitudes, abilities, educational achievements, and social development
· To educate students and parents on the appropriate university admission tests and the preparation for tests such as ACT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS.
· To educate students, staff and parents to the various types of institutions as well as the different admission practices with them (open enrollment, rolling admission, Foundation program, wait list procedures, Early Decision, Early Action) ;
· To work with staff and students to make scholarship application;
· To arrange students visit to colleges tours or study programs overseas;
· To develope a strong network among university counseling and admission professionals and regular reading of professional publications market our students and schools;
· To arrange and attend professional development activities such as university fairs, university tours, conferences and workshops on both local and national level, providing updated university related information to students, parents and staffs;
· Other duties as reasonably required by the Head of High School;
More job openings of counselor are now await, please visit our home site for access.