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American International School of Guangzhou

Kindergarten teacher

Negotiable Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 1 position available Starting date in 2022-08-01

About The School

AISG is an independent day school offering a full educational program from Preschool to Grade 12. Learn more about this school

Job Description

AISG is a caring community that looks for passionate teachers who bring their forward-thinking pedagogy along with an empathetic approach to enrich each child’s learning.
Job Description
Kindergarten. There are four sections per grade level.

Homeroom teacher

18-20 students with a full time Teacher Assistant.

Approximately six 40-minute periods of an eight period day.
Daily specials include Art, Music, or PE on a 6-day schedule.
Chinese is offered three times during a 6-day schedule, once every two days.

Two common planning periods per week: one with the PYP Coordinator (sometimes once every two weeks) and one with the Grade Level Team.

2 sessions of After School Activities (paid) and recess/lunch duty as scheduled.

Homeroom teachers are responsible for teaching core subject areas including: literacy, math, social studies and science. In combination with the PYP, AISG prefers candidates with experience implementing the reading and writing workshop model and experience with transdisciplinary/integrated teaching. Effective IT integration is expected within the classroom, as well as the development of research and information literacy skills. A technology coach and library specialist are on hand to provide teacher and student support.

Our school operates a 1:1 ipad program from grade 3-5 and 2:1 ipad program from preschool 4 to grade 2. Grades 6-12 is a 1:1 laptop program. Familiarity with Atlas Rubicon, Word-Press and Veracross is preferred.

• Inquiry and play is the main method of instruction and learning in the AISG Kindergarten. Homeroom teachers are responsible for teaching 4 units of inquiry as mandated by Primary Years Programme of the International Baccalaureate Organization. While core subjects may be integrated within the Units of Inquiry, teachers are also expected to implement the reading and writing workshop model for literacy. Additionally, teachers may utilize the variety of mathematics resources that are available within each homeroom classroom for the teaching of mathematics, however all units are designed based on the Common Core standards. All Kindergarten learning is within the structure of the Primary Years Program and following the transdisciplinary themes of the PYP is important throughout the day.

• The Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop Model is used to guide students through the reading and writing process. Students are taught to read and write in a variety of genres for a range of purposes. Classroom libraries are leveled according to Fountas and Pinnell leveling system and students are encouraged to read their “just right book”.

• Homeroom teachers are required to differentiate student-learning experiences through the use of a variety of teaching and assessment strategies in order to meet the needs of all students.

• Homeroom teachers are required to maintain records of student progress and achievement and assess students’ academic, social and emotional growth by using observations, both formative assessments, as well as an established set of common summative assessments. Teachers meet with the Student Support Team (SST) every quarter to review student concerns.

• Teachers will maintain open and clear communication with parents regarding student progress on a regular basis. Teachers and/or parents can schedule meetings any time during the school year. Formal reporting occurs two times a year, in both December and June. Parent-teacher conferences take place in August (a get to know you conversation), October, while Student-Led Conferences occur in March.

• Teachers will be expected to utilize technology effectively as a tool to support student learning with the use of 2:1 iPads and a trolley of MacBook Pros can be signed out from the technology center.


Bachelor’s degree or higher; teaching certification required;
Minimum of 2 years of successful full-time teaching experience;



Post date: 2021-09-08
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