MYP/DP Science Teacher
About The School
Boston International School is the international school in Wuxi Learn more about this schoolJob Description
Responsible to: Academic Principal or delegate
As Class Manager :
· Respect and value each child’s social, cultural and religious background and, by example, exercise mutual respect and tolerance.
· Share in the management of pastoral care, health, welfare and behavior of all students and in particular, those within your designated class group.
· Undertake the teaching of a class in accordance with the school’s agreed policies and guidelines.
· Use a variety of appropriate teaching methods to ensure high quality, inquiry-based learning occurs.
· Acknowledge and respond to each learner’s potential and provide differentiated tasks and assessments.
· Provide planning documents identifying specific learning objectives, special needs, extension and assessment, to the Academic Principal or other authorized officer (Curriculum Coordinator).
· Keep their own Unit of Inquiry (UOI) or Subject planners and add to them as an ongoing task to Managebac, and for collection, if required, collation by Curriculum Coordinator.
· Maintain professional dialogue with colleagues concerning the students, other colleagues and the school. Treat all information with confidentiality.
· Ensure the provision of equal opportunities for all.
· Encourage students to take pride in their own environment and show respect and concern for others, to the benefit of the school as a caring community.
· Be responsible for all aspects of classroom management; eg. care of equipment with resources well-labelled and accessible. Maintain a tidy, well-organized learning focused room/area
· Create a stimulating and engaging learning environment based on creating resilient learners and promoting independent learning.
Collaborate with Academic Principal and Curriculum coordinators (or delegate) and staff in establishing and developing effective student assessment procedures, documentation
· and portfolios. Observe students’ learning and keep appropriate records of achievement for each student in class. Provide reports as necessary.
· Create authentic partnerships with families and the school community by building positive links between yourself and parents of students in your care.
· Guide, motivate and monitor Teaching Assistants and support staff
in carrying out their tasks.
· Provide pedagogical and other support for Assistant Teachers, if applicable.
As a team member:
· Collaborate with staff to plan, implement and evaluate. Continuously identify ways to and act to improve school systems and practices.
· Offer and receive advice and guidance on issues which affect the whole school’s performance and ethos.
· Take corporate responsibility for displays throughout the school.
· Share management and delivery of assemblies and other whole school/divisional events
· Share your expertise.
· Participate in appraisal procedures and in-service training that provide personal, professional and career development as well as add intrinsically to the school’s development.
· Actively attend all team and staff meetings as called and appointed on time and in a positive manner and be willing to learn from others
As a professional educator:
· Be familiar with and be guided by the school’s and IB’s documentation and policies.
· Use the IB’s MyIB and/or CollegeBoard Educator account, other resources for professional development.
· Share the school’s multi-cultural diversity and participate in activities designed to promote intercultural understanding and respect.
· Teachers should not discuss with parents changing a child’s class placement or possible retention in a class for a further year, without prior consultation with the Principal or designated coordinator if necessary parents’ requests about such matters should be directed to the Principal in writing
· Respect and act in accordance with the fact that our school is a smoking-free environment.
· Adhere to and respect the professional dress code as recorded in the Staff Handbook.
· Understand and implement School policies, including the Child Protection policy.