Oxford International College of Foshan

Oxford International College of Foshan (FSOIC) provides a high-quality academic education
Address: 1 Huyong Avenue, Nanzhuang town , Chancheng district, Foshan, Guangdong, China
Basic Info
Year of Found 2022
School Type Private School
Student Nationality Local
Student Age G10-G12
Accreditation Not found
Address 1 Huyong Avenue, Nanzhuang town , Chancheng district, Foshan, Guangdong, China
Operational Info
Operation Status In-preparation
Number of Total Employees 50-200
Number of Foreign Teachers 16-50
Number of Total Students 200-500
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School Overview

Oxford International College of Foshan (FSOIC) provides a high-quality academic education, combined with a holistic enrichment of character, preparing students for entry to and success at the world’s ranked universities and in life. 

Oxford International College of Foshan (FSOIC)

FSOIC has a purely Chinese National student population and student age range from 15

to 18 years old, due to the license issued by the local Chinese government. The

curriculum followed by the students will be CIE, hence the language of delivery will be

English only.

Educational Philosophy

Oxford International College China Schools…

 are modern and internationalized, with strong local Chinese roots.

 promote academic success in balance with character development

 prepare students for a global tomorrow

 Promote an inclusive environment where every person’s opinion is respected


 enhance progress through individual mentoring


We are the sister school of Oxford International College of Chengdu (CDOIC), which was established in 2011. During the past ten years CDOIC has sent many students to the top universities around the world such as Tiger Wu, who has just started his studies at the University of Oxford and Jason Zhou who studied Economics at the University of Cambridge.

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