Key Facts
Shenyang is a New-Tier-1-City in China with a population of 8.3 million
Urban Disposable Income Per-Capita (RMB/Year)
¥ 46786.00
Cost of living (1-bedroom apartment in city centre)
¥ 1921.43
Days with Good /Excellent Air Quality of 2019
NO.of International schools
NO.of Training Centres
NO.of Pre-schools
Find everything you need to know about working and living in Shenyang city. Read full article
Salary Info
If you teach in Shenyang,
Here is the salary data of the 3 types of school employers, extracted from our research report.
- Starting monthly salary ¥18142.86
- Max monthly salary ¥24035.71
- Average monthly salary ¥21089.29
- Starting monthly salary ¥13900.00
- Max monthly salary ¥21000.00
- Average monthly salary ¥17450.00
- Starting monthly salary ¥15857.14
- Max monthly salary ¥21375.00
- Average monthly salary ¥18616.07
More salary information regarding teaching in Shenyang city. Sign in to download report