Kindergarten Principal
About The School
It is committed to providing an outstanding quality English/Chinese bilingual international program. Learn more about this schoolJob Description
To ensure the smooth organizational structures of the BIK; to create a
climate conducive for a successful, challenging, teaching & learning
environment and to positively engage parents and the greater BIK
community in the corporate life of the BIKPosition Responsibilities 工作职责:
➢ Assist in the development and implementation of a high-quality and effective early childhood curriculum/ 协助幼儿园课程的高效执行,并提供课程质量
➢ Include festival celebrations, special events and student activities, both in and outside of BIK campus to create a rich, international cultural environment/ 通过各 种庆典活动、学生活动、园内外活动来营造充满国际化氛围的园所环境
1. Curriculum 课程管理
➢ Provide guidance for staff regarding the incorporation of celebrations andspecial events as part of teaching program/ 指导教师执行课程项目,并设计与课程主题相结 合的各种学生活动
➢ Research, evaluate and select instructional frameworks and programs to ensure structure and consistency for the effective delivery of curriculum/ 通过教研,评估 等方式对课程框架进行把关,确保课程有效的进行
➢ Prepare and guide staff in the use of professional teacher and student resources, such as planning templates, formative and summative assessments/ 提供并指导教 师合理使用相关教学资源,例如:教学模板,评价报告等。
➢ Lead teaching staff to develop high-quality and effective learning opportunities for students/ 引导教师为幼儿提供高质量和有效的学习资源
2. Team 团队管理
➢ Work closely with the leadership team to maintain effective operations in the Kindergarten/ 团结管理团队确保幼儿园各项工作有效合作与进行
➢ Be holistic and adaptive to the tasks from the Head, and be ready to fulfill tasks assigned by the Head/ 对于园所各项工作认真负责,配合直属领导完成各项工作任务
➢ Work collaboratively with leadership teams to develop policies and procedures,
calendars and daily schedules/ 团结管理团队制定各项规章制度、流程、校历及工作常
➢ To build and manage effective relationships with all kindergarten staff/ 建立和维
➢ To assist in staff recruitment, selection and training/ 协助教职工的招聘和培训
➢ Provide orientation, guidance and support to new foreign teachers/ 对新外教进行
➢ Assist staff in decorating and updating the common English environments inthe
Kindergarten/ 指导教师进行园所英文环境的完善
➢ Assist Chinese staff with English proof-reading and notify specific staff when
encountering any concerns/ 协助园所进行英文校对,并协助中教和外教的沟通交流
➢ Provide specific, regular and constructive feedback to teaching staff/ 对于教职工进
➢ Complete work summary report and teacher evaluations/ 完成工作总结,工作计划 和教师评估工作
➢ Lead and support staff as they develop planning documents, assessment
activities, communication methods and samples, and school-mandated
documents/ 指导和帮助教师进行教案撰写,评估评价,家园沟通等教学工作
➢ Cooperate with the inspection from the educational department of the
Government and the requirements of this inspection/ 根据教委和政府的各项标准开
➢ Provide training to teaching assistants to improve their English skills/ 为园所的中
➢ Be available and supportive when extended relief is required/ 协助园所临时的其他
Professional Development 职业发展
➢ Seek and undertake professional development with the specific purpose of improving the quality of teaching and learning in the kindergarten/开展各项教师 职业发展的培训,以提高教学水平
➢ Provide subsequent feedback and training to kindergarten staff for any professional development attended/ 为教师的职业发展提供有力的支持,培训和反馈
➢ Identify sources and receive suggestions for professional development and subsequently work with leadership teams to organize regular professional development opportunities for staff/ 吸收教师反馈信息,与管理团队讨论和升级教师 职业发展的培训
➢ Plan and deliver professional development in areas of expertise/ 为教师设计和实施 专业领域的职业发展
➢ Guide staff in classroom management, teaching methods and school procedures to ensure classroom experience is characterized by high expectations and support/ 对教师的班级管理,教学技巧,学校流程等进行指导,以确保幼儿得到高质量 的学习效果和成长支持
➢ Present an English demo class each semester/ 每个学期进行英文的展示课
Classroom 班级管理
➢ Carry out research and advise on the provision of educational resources to
enhance the learning opportunities in the kindergarten/ 通过教研等方式升级教育资
➢ Carry out regular classroom visits and observations to monitor the consistent use of the required daily schedules, adherence to the yearly planning documents,use of instructional strategies, resources and assessment, student engagement and classroom environment/ 日常进行查班转园,确保各班按照一日工作流程进行每日活动, 不断完善教学计划,教学资源等方面支持幼儿的全面发展和园所及班级的环境
➢ Provide feedback to leadership in relation to classroom visits and observations/ 将转园和查班的结果反馈给管理团队
➢ Assist and guide classroom teams to decorate learning centers, theme boards and vocabulary walls according to specific themes and special events/ 指导和检查 班级教师完善区域,主题墙和英语角
➢ Assist all staff to ensure the safety of children at all times/ 指导教师保证幼儿的一日 生活安全
5. Community 团队建设
➢ To build and manage effective relationships with all stakeholders of the kindergarten, including families, administration and leadership teams, community members/ 与全体教职工建立良好的工作关系
➢ Co-ordination with HR and central administration/与人事部门和行政部 门合作
➢ Respect and identify with the School culture, and cooperate with School promotional activities/ 高度认可集团文化,配合园所市场和招生活动
➢ To assist in the recruiting of new students and retention of existing students/ 协助 提高园所招生,并配合维护现有生源
➢ To be a positive and visible presence in the kindergarten community/ 积极专业的 职业形象
➢ Attend activities organized by the Kindergarten, such as school sports events, parent meetings and activities/ 参与园所各项活动,例如:亲子运动会,家长会等其他 各项大小型活动
- Masters Degree: Majoring in English, Education, and/or ECE (Early Childhood Education) is preferred
- Professional teaching license/PGCE/QTS/SACE are needed
- At least 5 years leadership experience, homeroom teacher experience needed
- Must be willing to commit to a 2-year contract
- Monthly salary (After China income tax) based on experience and qualification: Licensed teacher: RMB20470~40000
- Accommodation allowance
- Inbound & Outbound Flight (overseas recruitment)
- Settling allowance
- International Insurance
- Tuition fee free for up to 2 kids
- Excellent opportunities for Professional Development
- Promotion Opportunities
- Other benefits negotiable