Weekly News Brief on China Education Industry
Updated on 04/26/2022
Here is the weekly recap of China education news. Sources are right after the texts.
Education Policy
New Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan Will be Implemented This Fall
The Ministry of Education held a press conference on April 21 to introduce the newly revised Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan and the curriculum standards of 16 subjects. Music and art courses, integrated dance, drama, film and television, are designed for students in Grade 1 to 7 to take. The scientific and comprehensive practical activities will be advanced to Grade 1 students.
In terms of curriculum standards, the curriculum content structure has been optimized, the academic quality standards have been developed, and the guidance and the connection of learning stages have been enhanced.
(Source: Ministry of Education)
Beijing Issued the Opinions on the Students Enrollment at Compulsory Education Stage
On April 19, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education issued the opinions on the enrollment of compulsory education stage students. This year, Beijing will further optimize the enrollment platform, and increase the authenticity of the collected information of school age children.
The opinions stated that all registered children aged 6 or older (born before August 31, 2016) in Beijing must attend the school age population information collection, and enter the nearest school without entrance examination. The exam results and certificates of competitions are strictly prohibited as the basis for enrollment. Interviews, evaluations and resumes are also prohibited to select students.
(Source: Guang Ming Daily)

Industry Insights
Zhangmen Education Received the Notice of Non-compliance From the NYSE
On April 18, Zhangmen Education announced that the company received a notice letter from the New York Stock Exchange. The notice pointed out that the total market value and shareholders' equity of Zhangmen Education are lower than the compliance standards of the NYSE. The company is required to submit a business plan in 90 days to prove that it complies with the continous listing rules of the NYSE within 18 months.
According to the applicable NYSE continuous listing standards, if a company's total market value is less than US $50 million within 30 trading days and its shareholders' equity is less than US $50 million, it will be deemed to be below the compliance standards. Zhangmen Education intends to comply with applicable procedures and the continuous listing standards of NYSE.
(Source: Sina Finance)
Multiple Examinations for Study Abroad in Eastern China were Cancelled
Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the AP examination in Shanghai, Suzhou and Nantong originally scheduled on May 2 was cancelled. The College Board and Purvin are actively evaluating whether to provide make-up examination opportunities and will provide further instructions in early May.
In addition to AP, the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) and the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) have recently announced the cancellation of examinations in some regions. In June 2022, the A-level and other examinations in Shanghai will be cancelled, while IB schools in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui will also cancel the examinations in May 2022.
(Source: Jiemian News)

Global News
Pre-Flight COVID Test Temporarily Waived for Shanghai Departures
In recognition of the fact that current lockdowns in Shanghai may prevent individuals from getting a pre-departure COVID-19 test, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced that effective immediately the test requirement is waived for U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, lawful permanent residents, non citizens in possession of a valid U.S. immigrant visa, and noncitizen nonimmigrants who are traveling with a U.S. citizen or LPR and who possess valid travel documents allowing them to travel to the United States.
The CDC waiver allows airlines to board these individuals without meeting the testing requirement. This waiver will expire on May 11, 2022, subject to any further extensions.
(Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

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